How Do Y’Like These Numbers?

Last night I attended a very tough Body Sculpting class. By the end, my legs were jello but I hung in there through the whole class! I even surprised myself and did a few push-ups (on my knees) — which I’ve never been able to do, not even as a child when we had to do them in gym class!

This morning, the scale gave me a lovely 143.5 reading (-3 from yesterday) and my fasting BG was … wait for it … 95!

This still supports my theory about my BCP. It’s now been 5 days off and the numbers have dropped each day.

I expect to have some high readings today as it’s Halloween and knowing myself, I will probably have a piece (or two) of candy tonight. And there’s a tasty-looking corn muffin on my desk, just begging to be eaten.