If It Doesn’t Fit … You Must Acquit

I really do have this bit of an OCD/hoarder tendency in me. Why have one bottle of lotion when you can have 20! All in different scents for whatever mood happens to strike. In fact, my boss just called me out for my lotion hoarding. On my desk I have two kinds of hand cream, one body lotion, a body spray and two types of sanitizer (one is scented, one is unscented). I don’t think that’s extreme. He should see my house!


Kind of.

Anyway, this behavior is also translating over into clothing. I can justify it and say it’s because of my weight loss that I need a whole new wardrobe. And I’ve been buying smart by going to the thrift store. But now I’m engaging in borderline obsessive behavior on eBay. I have stayed away from eBay all this time because it just skeeved me out. And honestly, I just never thought to look on there to buy stuff. But now that I have, I am addicted. I am watching over 100 items, both on my desktop computer and on my iPhone app. And I’d say I’ve bought something every day for the past week. It’s beginning to be a problem.

But it’s my joy at finally being a “normal” size that is spurring these purchases. I am madly searching for a dress that I can wear to my company holiday party, the first weekend in December. Although I have purchased three dresses so far, only one has arrived and I have my eye on several others. The dress that arrived last night is adorable. Just one problem. It doesn’t quite fit.

It fits, for the most part. It’s just those last couple of inches of zipper that won’t go all the way up. I think if someone else zipped it for me I could get into it. So I think I will be able to wear it to the party. However, I want a few more choices 😉 Why just settle for one? I want to be a total knockout at this party, a head-turner. Why? Because I can.

I also got the cojones to buy the so-called “skinny jeans.” Before, you’d have to be crazy to think I was going to squeeze myself into skinny jeans! There was nothing skinny about me. So a pair that I bought on eBay arrived in yesterday’s mail.

I put them on and …

OK. So maybe I’m not quite ready for skinny jeans. A few more pounds to go, I think.

But at least I have the confidence to try. Before, not so much. Same thing with the dresses. It wasn’t as much of an effort because I didn’t really want to showcase my body at all. Now, I think I can pull it off. Maybe lose a couple more pounds in the next month, and that dress will zip up just fine.

In the meantime, if you need me, I’ll be bid-surfing on eBay.

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